Jenny Hale Pulsipher

Jenny Hale Pulsipher began teaching at BYU in the fall of 1998. She received her PhD in American History from Brandeis University in 1999. Her research focuses on Native Americans and Europeans in early America. Her first book, “Subject unto the Same King”: Indians, English, and the Contest for Authority in Colonial New England, was published by the University of Pennsylvania Press in the spring of 2005 and was released in paperback in November 2006. It was selected by Choice Magazine as an Outstanding Academic Title in 2006. She is currently working on a book tentatively titled The Atlantic Worlds of John Wompas, which focuses on a seventeenth-century Nipmuck Indian mariner, land speculator, sometime Harvard Student, and petitioner to the crown whose life embodies many of the key issues and conflicts of the early Atlantic World. She teaches courses on early America, historical writing, and Native American history. Jenny lives in Salt Lake City and travels to BYU each day via bike and train.