Carolyn Andrews
Adjunct Faculty, Family, Home and Social Sciences
Getting an education has blessed my life in a myriad of ways. First and foremost, I have always had a great job—whether it was part-time or full-time. I have never panicked about how I will help to support my family—my degree has been my “insurance policy.” I now recognize another blessing of having my degrees now that I have teenagers. Just the other day I overheard my eldest daughter (high school senior) talking to our 11 year old. In essence she told her little sister that in our family we go to college and we get degrees. This perceived expectation largely came from the example we have set for our children. As a mother, I want my children to be prepared for the future. If I am not, how can I expect them to be?
Lastly, I believe finishing my degree has made me a stronger person. I learned that I really can do hard things. I was extremely ill with my pregnancies—I kept persevering because I had worked too hard to get to the point I was at. Through a lot of faith and prayers I finished. I knew that if I didn’t finish, the best I could say was “I started but didn’t finish.” I know of no job description that advertises one must have a minimum of “almost a bachelor’s” or “almost a master’s.” I now have the confidence that I can finish anything I start—despite the challenges. I know it because I did it—and you can too!
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